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Hi, I'm Bala! 👋

Balamurugan - Product Designer - Bangalore

"I'm a designer with an entrepreneurial mindset. I'm a self-taught designer who chose design as my career out of passion. Fast forward 15 years later, today I still maintain the same interest and continue learning new skills and tools.

Currently, I work for Cisco as a product designer while also pursuing my side project, Goalbook. Goalbook is an AI-powered goal tracking tool, and I also teach UI design.

Through my experience, I have learned the end-to-end process of designing a product from a simple idea. I genuinely care about my users and make efforts to simplify their lives. With my design skills, I can visually present every thought and idea, ensuring everyone is on the same page. I strongly believe that user success is the key to product success.

You can download my resume here, or you can contact me for product consulting or simply to have a coffee chat."


Training or self-learning: which is best?

·1282 words·7 mins
Seeking skill development through self-learning, I encountered initial hurdles but learned valuable lessons in starting small and understanding human dynamics.

Why I Learned Tailwind CSS?

·607 words·3 mins
Designers struggle with developers prioritizing functionality over aesthetics, relying on frameworks like React, Angular for rapid development.

Owning the product service, not the page

·624 words·3 mins
Developers’ desire for page ownership complicates collaboration. Proposing a pattern library team to ensure design consistency and streamline feature implementation.

Screen flow diagram better then Prototype

·445 words·3 mins
Use of screen flow diagram for presenting the flow clearly and complete. It is simple to create and effective to describe all the deviations and the conditions on the screen.